Thursday, September 25, 2008

Premiere Deja Vu

We've done this before, but we're doing it again. This time for reals though. Tonight we (the Mister and I ) are attending the premiere of Forever Strong. It's a GREAT movie. And this time it is opening in selected cities around the country. As Letterman would say, "Just pray that your city has been selected."
Oh yeah, and did I mention that the Mister worked on this fine piece of cinematic genious? Well, he did. So go see it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Reason Why

This (California beach side bungalow stage set) is the reason why I am leaving work at 10:30pm tonight... Wish me luck in the pitch!
P.S. Wouldn't you want to live in one of these bungalows by the sea?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

On My Way to the LPGA...

Bookending the Sun Valley trip were two (count them, 2) glorious days of golfing. I seriously love to golf. I have never taken to any sport or hobby as much as golf. (Mister, I will keep trying with the gorgeous red guitar you so lovingly bought me when I thought that the guitar was "it" for me). If I didn't have one of those J-O-B things I would spend every day practicing my short game. Which wasn't too bad the last time out, actually. I scored a few long puts for my team.


Here's me in the driver seat....
And here's the good sport/golfing buddy that has been nearly-dumped out of the cart too many times to mention...

Here's our view for the 4+ hour game... The leaves are also starting to change, making the views from the course spectacular.

We did not plan the matching outfits...

The girlies from work...

No - we didn't win the tournament, but I did score a lot of free stuff. Besides the usual hats, golf balls, tees and towels we each got our own "sneak-your-own-beer-in coolers" that coincidently are the same size as the shoe pocket in your golf bag. I did win a chipping game and picked up a 1 Gig flash drive. Hands off, Mister! This one is not for your music!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hooray for Hollywood! er, Sun Valley!

I loves me a break from work, even if it is for work. Although being in Sun Valley for the weekend doesn't feel like hard labor we (the Mister came too) did put together a little shin dig for the Wells Fargo crew. Here's just a little flavor of the little party...
The highlights of the trip were the fab restaurants...
If you ever get to Sun Valley you have got to try the KMT Salad at Desperado's. We salivated for the entire 4 hour drive in anticipation of this salad. The owner couldn't believe that we didn't have anything like this in our town. And no, the cafe rio salad is not a contender.

KB's (I think it stands for Ketchum Burrito's?) Another quality choice.

Ciro - Yum, yum and yum!

My fav activity though was swimming in this gigantic heated circular pool at night with the Mister. We stayed until we were prunes talking about what the future holds for us (new house!) and just goofed around (but no skinny-dipping). Made me fall even more in love with him.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Up in smoke

Albeit belated, but Happy Birffday!

Notice the corner of the cake that is missing? Well, that's our E! He loves chocolate in a big way and couldn't resist. See him eyeing the cake? Well, that's our E too! Did I tell you that he LOVES chocolate?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Yellow Jackets and Other Things Buggy

Okay, so mister-fancy-pants Lance Armstrong (above) is coming out of retirement. I love a good bike race just as much as the next guy (especially through France - ooh, la la), but it bothers me to some crazy high degree that athletes go through all of the rhetoric to retire and then decide that they need more moolah to fund this....

Friday, September 5, 2008


This is what happens to a bowl of chocolate cream sandwich cookies when a 5-year-old attacks them. But seriously - the chocolate cream, but not the cookies? We love you J - even if we don't understand you.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jacket Weather

I am excited - are you?
I know the Mister and his one-million-strong
jacket collection are just dying to be let out of the
air conditioned indoors out into the crisp fall air.
P.S. There is only a hint of red in the trees. I am sure we will still have plenty of hot-hot-hot days to go. The upside is that the glitter flip flops can hang out with me for a little while longer.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So now I seem totally boring because Rafael has started a new blog and actually has some talent for writing and has interesting stuff to say. To check it out - GO HERE.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Charge it to the Underhills...

Happy Labor Day! For the holiday we got together with the fam and decided to avoid anything that would necessitate labor so we ate junk food and watched the cinema classic "Fletch" - you know, from back in the day when Chevy was funny?
Shortly after Alan Stanwyk asks Fletch if he owns rubber gloves (to which Fletch replies that he has a lease with an option to buy) my nephew E ran out of the room and came backs with these...
I guess E does indeed own rubber gloves!
And we thought that most of the movie was going over this three-year-old's head!