Romantic words for Valentine's...
See if you can squeeze some new vocabulary into your conversations with your main squeeze.
• acushla: Dear heart; darling. [Irish, heart’s pulse]
adamate: To love dearly. [Latin, to love dearly]
amative: Disposed to loving. [Latin, to love]
cardiognost: One who knows the heart. [Greek, heart + knowing]
cordiloquy: A speaking from the heart. [Greek, heart + speech]
inamorate: To inspire with love. [Italian, to enamor]
machree: My heart, my beloved. [Irish, my heart]
macushla: My dear heart; my darling. [Irish, my heart’s pulse]
minikin: Sweetheart, darling. [Dutch, sweetheart]
redamancy: Loving in return. [Latin, to love back]
verticordious: Heart-turning. [Latin, turner of hearts =Venus]
I really wish I were this smart, but alas - I am not. These romantic words are from