Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What I Have Been Up To ( a photo essay by Esmé)

I learned to smile, but I won't do it for Daddy's camera yet. Here's a teaser...

I go to work with Daddy sometimes, but it's boring so I usually fall asleep.

The 'rents and I went to Mike & Michelle's wedding. Yeah for new Auntie's!

What do you mean I'm too little for bite-sized Snickers?

Let's face it - it's hard being a baby so at the end of the day I treat myself to the latest spa treatment - a sink tubbie!


Heather said...

She is adorable - just hand her over right now and no one will get hurt. (I knew that there had to be at least one wedding pic where Dalin's head wasn't cut off:))

The Magalogo Family said...

LOVE the modesty patch!!!!

Anne and Brookie said...

Oh my goodness! These pictures make me want to get on a plane and come snuggle her!

brinnandramona said...

Loved thes pics!! Can't wait to see her on Monday, I call dibs on holding her!!

Book Look Column Author said...

These are great pictures but her comments are more humorous than I would have expected from such a tiny baby.